
凤翔丹 Feng Xiang Dan | Women's Health | Herbs and Traditional Medicine


宫廷秘方 补气荣血

滋阴养颜 祛斑净肤

调经助孕 顺理更年

妇人癥瘕 女性至宝

凤翔丹主治一切肾虚和气滞血淤引起的妇人病,主要用于月经不调,闭经痛经,妇人癥瘕,心烦难眠,脾气暴躁,掉发枯黄,难孕和更年期等问题。由于八珍汤和白凤丸因为天气炎热的关系不适合一些身体燥热的妇女,凤翔丹温和中正,可以做为很好的替代药品。孕妇忌服 。

成分: 天山雪莲, 益母草, 桃仁, 泽兰, 丹参

吃法 (疗效):每次3粒,每日两次,于饭后服用 (经期停止服用)

吃法 (保健):每次2粒,每日两次,于饭后服用 (经期停止服用)


**建议与《Proganic 保肝宁》&《金牌补肾粉》一起服用,效果更好

Traditionally used for women''s health - irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, mood swing, anxious, spleen, difficult to fall asleep, hair loss, infertility, menopause and etc.  As Ba Zhen Soup and Bai Feng Pill are not suitable for women with heaty body, Feng Xiang Dan can be a good alternative.

Ingredients: Flos Saussurea involucrata, Caulis and Folium Leonurus Japonicus,
Semen Prunus Persica, Caulis and Folium Eupatorium Fortunei, Radix Salvia Miltiorrhiza

Dosage: 3 capsules twice daily, after meal (Adjuvant Treatment)

Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily, after meal  (Protection)

120 vegetable capsules / bottle

*This product is not intended to diagnose, treat and cure cancer.

 咨询 - 凤翔丹 Feng Xiang Dan | Women's Health | Herbs and Traditional Medicine